
How Can We Help You?

All the necessary thing you need to know about us.

Exotic Genesis is founded by a team of professionals who know exactly what it takes to earn the most from capital market. Our company provides a full investment service focused on the Forex and cryptocurrency trading market. Each manager in our company has more than 7 years of trading experience and successful trading records, as we know that is the exact point that support our company stability and profitability.
It's quite easy and convenient. Follow this link, fill in the registration form and then press "Register".
Your account will be updated as soon as you deposit.
Yes! To make a deposit from your Exotic Genesis account balance. Simply login into your members account and click on Make Deposit and select the Deposit from Account Balance and remember that reinvestment from account has a withdrawal fee.
Funds are automated and instantly processed to your wallet after your withdrawal.
These funds are managed by a team of Exotic Genesis experts.
Yes our referral offer is open to all investors.